Mark's Mission to Ireland (Photos, Video, Podcast)
Highlights from Mark's mission to Ireland:
- First "solo" Mission Trip for Mark, traveling by car, airplane, bus and train
- Ministering in 4 cities: Dublin, Port Laois, Monaghan, and Westport
- Climbing Croagh Patrick (8 km/5 miles west of Westport) known as Ireland's holy pilgrimage mountain, best known for its association with St. Patrick, Ireland's first missionary, who is said to have fasted for 40 days at the summit in 441AD.
- Ministering in 10 services (5 for adults, 2 for children, and 3 for youth) to 200+ people.
- Awesome times of sharing the Gospel one-on-one, with various responses
- Wonderful times with generous host families -- thank you so much!
- Preaching the Gospel and Promoting the Great Commission
Live video recorded in Ireland:
Mark's Ireland Report on Mission-Minded Families:
Above: Here's Mark preaching to a group of young people in Port Laois, Ireland - about loving God's Word and the importance of making a personal commitment to live strong for Jesus.
Photo: Along with his host, John (left), here's Mark (right) at the top of Croagh Patrick. After coming down the mountain, John organized a spontaneous prayer meeting for young men. When only 2 guys showed up, John drove off and came back with a full car of single guys, who were very responsive to the call to live strong, as men of God.
Thanks for all the support and prayers for this mission outreach.
Please be praying for Ireland!