Awesome Reviews: The Whole World Needs Jesus
ideas for kids mission-minded families next-gen missions
The Whole World Needs Jesus is a delightful read-aloud book for the whole family. With its rhyming text and whimsical illustrations, this 8.5 x 11 hardcover children’s book focuses on the Gospel and God's Great Commission. For homes, churches, schools and ministries, this book is an enjoyable tool to encourage kids to love God and to love others, with a life-long heart for global missions.
This book, you have to know about it!!! It's my all time favorite kids book!! (And Eden's and Uriah and Asher's) It's brand new from Ann Dunagan and I just absolutely LOVE The Whole World Needs Jesus!! Get yours today! — Laura Krokos: Missional Women
The Whole World Needs Jesus is a beautiful book with the best message. Thank you for writing this book which has quickly become my girls’ favorite. And the pictures are so fun and funny. We love this book! — Nicole Stranz – Mother of 3
I love how The Whole World Needs Jesus introduces even young children to the BIG picture of God's Great Commission. This is one of those books that helps build that vision in your children from an early age. Excellent resource you don't want to miss! — Renita Bentz: Mom of Many —
We are loving our book! Parents looking for a beautiful book that will help your kids to develop a heart for the nations? The Whole World Needs Jesus, by Ann Dunagan is a must for your children’s library. —
Every child, church, and Christian school needs The Whole World Needs Jesus in their library. Its thoughtful, creative perspective is greatly needed in our world today. If you’re looking to cultivate a biblical worldview for your child or students, The Whole World Needs Jesus is a great place to begin.
- Linda C. Byrd, Wycliffe Bible Translators
I’m loving Ann Dunagan’s latest book, The Whole World Needs Jesus. Beautifully illustrated by Ann’s daughter Caela Rose, this book speaks straight to a younger audience about a world much bigger and much different than their own. Ann’s heart to reach the world through missions and help us teach our children along the way is beautiful. This book would make a great gift — Katie: I Choose Brave —
If you can imagine someone who just exudes the joy and love of Jesus, it’s Ann. So when I saw she was writing a children’s book, I knew it would be anointed . . . My husband and I loved the way it honored scripture. Although no scripture was quoted directly, the message of the scriptures was thick throughout the pages . . . I highly recommend using The Whole World Needs Jesus as a fun way to teach the Great Commission to your kids! -- Tara: Mini Van Ministries —

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The Whole World Needs Jesus is delightful and inspiring with its rhythmic cadence and beautifully creative illustrations — and the message to GO! I’m thankful to be in the grandparent-ing season and can’t wait to enjoy this book with our grandchildren. — Susie Phillips, "Nana" from Oregon
As an Intercessor, The Whole World Needs Jesus moved my heart. Not just for my need to pray more into missions, but to teach our children and grandchildren to pray for missions and missionaries. Caela Rose did an outstanding job expressing God’s heart for His world through her illustrations. Beautiful! — Christy Berthold – Women’s Prayer Leader
The Whole World Needs Jesus is a new children’s book all about spreading the gospel message to the nations. We own this book and LOVE it. The writing is engaging and memorable, the illustrations are absolutely gorgeous, and the kids really enjoy it, asking for it often. Right now it has a permanent spot in our morning time basket! — Tauna: Proverbial Homemaker —
I love this new book, The Whole World Needs Jesus, from my friend, Ann Dunagan. — Heidi St. John, The Busy Mom
In the world we live today, it is more urgent than ever to share the Gospel. We are a people commanded to bring Jesus to all. We can be a light in the darkness. See my video where I shared [The Whole World Needs Jesus] . . . a beautiful resource for your whole family. — Karen DeBeus — Bible Based Homechooling --
This book [The Whole World Needs Jesus] is absolutely wonderful. As a former teacher, I have a huge collection of children’s books. I love reading and it is something that I can already see that Tera loves! Among our huge collection of books, we have a few favorites, though. I am even that crazy Mom that keeps a small stack of our absolute favorite books in one spot. In case you haven’t guessed it, this book was added to that collection! — Susanne Hines: The Glorious Mundane —
My dear friend Ann Dunagan from Mission-Minded Families has just released a children's book, The Whole World Needs Jesus, with her daughter Caela Dunagan and it's so beautiful! Check it out! — Angie Tolpin: The Courageous Mom —
This book [The Whole World Needs Jesus] is going under our tree this year! As a family, God has been stirring our hearts more and more to seek His face and to take His love to those who don't know it. We've gotten too comfortable in our little community of other Jesus lovers and a little lazy about intentionally loving those who don't know Him. I was praying about it this morning when I found this book. — Lisa Yvonne: Graceful Abandon —
There are some people God just places very deliberately in our paths, that share a similar dream and inspire us that it can be cone. And although I’ve never met her face-to-face, I feel Ann Dunagan is one such person. So when her latest book came in the mail, I was excited to share it with my kids over our poetry and tea time. My kids loved it. The Whole World Needs Jesus was written as a call the Great Commission in a way even the youngest can understand. —
If you can imagine someone who just exudes the joy and love of Jesus, it’s Ann. So when I saw she was writing a children’s book, I knew it would be anointed . . . My husband and I loved the way it honored scripture. Although no scripture was quoted directly, the message of the scriptures was thick throughout the pages . . . I highly recommend using The Whole World Needs Jesus as a fun way to teach the Great Commission to your kids! -- Tara: Mini Van Ministries —
Title: The Whole World Needs Jesus
Author: Ann Dunagan
Illustrator: Caela Rose Dunagan
Publisher: Harvest Ministry
ISBN: 978-57818209-48
Book Type: Hardcover
Size: 8.5 x 11
Available at: