Come join us for an E.P.I.C. New Year!
mission-minded holidays mission-minded women podcast
Have you ever heard of a "Word for the Year"?
It's ONE WORD to provide clarity and focus for a new season. At Mission-Minded Families, "E.P.I.C." is our ONE WORD for the year. We want this year to be EPIC -- for our lives and ministry, for our family, and for the kingdom of God. And we want to encourage you to have an EPIC year as well!
January Episodes:
PREPARATION for an EPIC year! (27 minutes)
SURRENDER to Jesus, for an EPIC year! (27 minutes)
Q & A - What does "E.P.I.C." stand for? (4 minutes)
Q & A - What are good reflection & projection questions?
Q & A - How can I be EMPOWERED everyday by God's Holy Spirit?
Q & A - How can I be PLANNING for God's Purposes?
Q & A - How can I be INFLUENCING others for God's Kingdom?
Q & A - How can I be CONNECTING for God's Great Commission?
EPIC: Life-Planning Course
When you look up the meaning of the word, "EPIC", dictionaries mention modern synonyms such as "impressive" or "fabulous." When you think of an EPIC movie, it's usually long and full of amazing bigger-than-life drama. If you think of an EPIC poem or book, it's usually filled with far-reaching history, with daring adventures and difficult battles.
As Bible-believing Christians, our lives are truly just a tiny part of God's BIG Story. This whole thing, this year and this world, is "HIS"-story. Through prayer and obedience to God, our daily lives can truly be a part of something EPIC -- each moment is a scene in God's adventure. Our victories over the attacks of the enemy can be a part of God's big purposes, and as we move forward with initiative, creativity and obedience, God can impact the lives of others.
When I think of this word "EPIC" -- I've also decided to connect it with a little acronym to help me focus for this year:
E -- Empowered by the presence of God!!!
P -- Planning for God's Purposes!!!
I -- Influencing others and making an Impact for God kingdom!!!
C -- Connecting for God's Great Commission -- to see CRAZY God-dreams come true!!!
Here at Mission-Minded Families, we invite you to join us on this journey into the New Year. Together, let's make this year EPIC, for God's purposes! By God's grace, let's be a part of something truly incredible and fabulous -- GOD'S ETERNAL EPIC PLAN -- and begin to realize that our daily decisions, as His disciples, are a part of something that's so much bigger than ourselves!
Let's GROW in the Lord and encourage each other for eternity. Let's all be a part of God's purposes -- His EPIC purposes -- for this world and for the lives of people we touch.
Are you ready?
So where do we begin?
For starters, just click on the link below, watch the video and then download (and PRINT) the FREE assessment worksheet.
EPIC: Life-Planning Course
With lots of grace (and with no condemnation or guilt), just set a timer for 15 minutes, and take a quick overview look at where you're at -- and assess your personal satisfaction or discontent with how you're doing. This is only for a quick personal assessment -- to help you to seek God for where He wants you to GO and to GROW in this new year.
Just click on the link and keep with me for a series of FREE training, with videos and downloads -- all for effective and EPIC Life-Planning. At Mission-Minded Families, we're believing for this new year to be an amazing year of purpose and destiny for the kingdom of God . . . and we invite you to come join us.
With love and blessings!
Ann (for all of us)