Mission-Minded Workshops - at Teach Them Diligently
You're invited to join four encouraging workshop sessions with Jon & Ann Dunagan of Mission-Minded Families at Teach Them Diligently (in Nashville, TN; Rogers, NW Arkansas; Atlanta, Georgia; and Cincinnati, Ohio). Our topics fit well with this year's TTD conference theme: LIVE BOLDLY.
- Parenting by Faith not Fear -- Jon & Ann Dunagan
- Aiming our Arrows into Adulthood -- Jon & Ann Dunagan
- PASSION & Life-Planning for Moms -- Ann Dunagan
- Mission-Minded Families -- Jon & Ann Dunagan
(Jon & Ann Dunagan) -- TTD in Nashville -- Room: Jackson A/B
FRIDAY: 9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.
Do you fear your own inadequacies (or wonder if your attempts at homeschooling will “mess up” your kids for life)? Do you fear teenage rebellion? Hormones? High school? Or the future?
Do you worry not having enough money, or not pleasing other people, or not fulfilling God’s purpose?
Fear can paralyze; it grips your heart, torments your mind, and hinders you from parenting in God’s joy.
Philippians 4:6 says, “Be anxious for nothing.”
Nothing means NO-thing.
(Not even ONE-thing!!!)
(Not even ONE-child!!!)
Come join us for this helpful and inspiring session, and be encouraged by God’s amazing faithfulness and love for you, grounded in God's Word and concluded with a time of prayer.
(Jon & Ann Dunagan) — TTD in Nashville -- Room: Lincoln D/E
FRIDAY: 2:10 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
As homeschooling parents, how can we aim our arrows from childhood to adulthood? And how can we prepare our hearts (through effective prayer and communication) to release our children for God's purposes?
The Dunagan’s have homeschooled all seven of their children, K-12, into adulthood — praising God for high school and college graduations, joyful weddings, fulfilling careers (into International Engineering, Business, Global Missions, Christian ministry, Education, and the Arts) — with happy Jesus-loving families, and lots of grandkids!
In this motivational session, you’ll be encouraged, from a solid Biblically-grounded foundation, not only for today, but for exciting life beyond homeschooling – with next-generation purpose - into ETERNITY!
Let’s aim our children as arrows, and prepare to release each one to hit the bulls-eye, for the glory of God.
(Ann Dunagan) — TTD in Nashville -- Room: Jackson E/F
FRIDAY: 3:20 p.m. - 4:10 p.m. —
In this strategic training workshop, we will focus on your “P.A.S.S.I.O.N.” (your Personality, Abilities, Spiritual gifts, Story, Interests, Opportunities, and Needs of the world you care about), and identifying your current GOALS and primary ROLES.
Included in your session attendance is FREE registration to a Life-Planning Course, with continued video training and a downloadable workbook, along with an invitation to join a private online support community (all FREE!)
This motivational Life-Planning workshop is especially for busy-moms who long to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives, not only as homeschooling teachers — but as uniquely designed women of God.
Come join us and get encouraged to fulfill God’s purpose for your life!
NOTE TO MOMS: Please feel free to bring your teenage daughter (or daughters) to join you for this workshop! This session is applicable for women of all ages!
(Jon & Ann Dunagan) — TTD in Nashville -- Room: Lincoln D/E
FRIDAY: 5:30 p.m. — 6:20 p.m. —
In this life-impacting and fast-paced workshop, Jon & Ann Dunagan share how “Missions is not just for missionaries; God’s call is for all!”
World Missions is not just an optional “elective” to supplement our studies; God’s Great Commission is a God-given foundation for life.
Come join us, and be encouraged from a solid biblical foundation and from the Dunagan’s exciting global adventures (as a family going to over 100 nations and to all 7 continents) — with practical and fun ideas to incorporate God’s love for the lost and the nations into your daily educational methods and family life.